Sunday, October 18, 2015

Stolen Ideas About Continuous Improvement

Happy Thursday All,

Continuous improvement is what Thursday Think Tank e-mail is all about.  I want you to keep thinking new, innovative, crazy, outside the box ideas.  That is what is going to keep PAi fresh, young, and growing.

As many of you know, we had our bi-annual operations meeting last Thursday.  One of the great things about getting together and talking about our challenges, successes, and best practices, is that we can steal each others ideas and best practices.  (stole that thought from TJ)

Here is some other thoughts and ideas I stole from last week that should get you thinking.  I spun what I heard from each of these people into a question for you.
From: Mr. Todd Johnson
  • Are you stealing best practices from your colleagues?
  • Are you creating better processes?
  • Do you believe in lean?  If not, you are gonna get left in the dust.
From: Mr. David Proctor
  • "Selves, why are we doing the things we are doing?"  (Can you picture David sitting in his office saying this out loud?)
  • Do you have a continuous improvement team?
  • Do you have a communication team?

From: Mrs. Kim Alvey
  • Are you making sure your employees know what lean is?
  • Is standard work getting developed for your area?
  • Are you combining processes to speed up throughput?

From: Mr. Bruce Head
  • Retail customer said."..if our hooks are empty, you aren't doing a good job."  Are we making sure our customers hooks aren't empty?
  • Did you realize we have 10,500 active customers?  Holy cow!!!!

From: Mr. Stuart Miller
  • "With failure we can succeed."  Are you allowing your team to fail so they can succeed?
  • Is your culture changing in your area?  It is in screening.
  • Are you keeping your energy level up?
From: Mrs. Vicky Halmick
  • Are you watching your retention rate?  Is it important to you to retain employees?
  • Can you rearrange your work area to become more efficient?
  • How much paper do you use when you wipe? (Had to be there to get this one)
From: Mr Trenton Price
  • Are you doing 5S to help become more efficient?
  • All employees have been there over 90 days.  Are you doing what it takes to limit your turnover?
From: Mr. Mark Rubenstein
  • "We will all be better people with these new initiatives."  What new initiatives are you doing to be a better person?
What an awesome meeting.  If I misquoted anyone, sorry.  I must have made it up and thought you said it.

Keep thinking PAi!!!


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