Sunday, November 22, 2015

If You Know Your WHY, You Can Do Any How!

Happy Thursday All,

"If you know your WHY, you can do any how."  What would it be like to come to work every day and every person you come in contact with is energetic and inspired about their job?  If everyone had a mission they were on?  If everyone was working towards a common WHY?

Do you know your why?  Can you define your why?  People lose their way when they lose their why.  People are less inspired when they don't understand their why.  Knowing your purpose, knowing what you are committed to, what your vision is, these are things that get crystal clear when you know your why.

I want to work with people who's why is bigger than their why not.  I would venture to guess you feel the same.  As with all other TTT messages,  turn this around and focus on you know your why so well that you are the energetic and inspired person?  If not, figure it out.  Believe me, knowing your why makes your job (mission) a lot more enjoyable, along with making your co-workers job much more pleasant.

"If you know your WHY, you can do any how."


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