Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Kaizen - Cory West

My fellow coworkers,

I hope this e-mail finds you in a state of unique thinking and change.  By this time many of you have participated in, if not formed a routine of doing COC's, or Ohno Circles, or whatever you want to call it.  I received very many great observations and appreciate the time you put into this very valuable tool (I mean the Ohno Circles, not me).    

As you performed the observation you all recognized waste.  You also all came up with ideas to eliminate that waste.

The process of actually performing the improvement activity and eliminating the waste is called "Kaizen".  This lean term of Japanese origin literally translates to "change for better" and in the lean sense carries the added notion of being continuous.  If everyone takes the step to perform the Kaizen events to eliminate the waste you observed in your Ohno exercises, many forms of waste will continue to be eliminated throughout our great company.  

In closing, I encourage you all to continue to spend time in Ohno Circles and use the observations as catalysts for improvement.  It's exciting for me to hear about your observations and improvements, but my involvement is not necessary for you to continue to execute these procedures.  Keep up the great work, Team!


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