Wednesday, April 29, 2015

PON - Pam Volner

​Good day all,
It's Thursday Think Tank time again!! 

Today's topic is " PON" or Point of Needle.
Definition: The Critical Space Where Value is Added

Have you opened your tool box and started to work on PON in your area?? If not it's time to do so. I would like to share a couple examples of things that are currently in progress. 

Let's start with mine "Quality Control" (I'm so excited I just can't hide it !!!!)

We are currently working on not only reducing time (and lots of it) but waste. In the past every audit performed was documented on a paper audit form. Now each quality inspector has their own lap top and audits are entered on to a shared document that can be monitored every minute of every day. No more stacks of paper!!  We still have a couple phases to go and are working out the bugs but itsAMAZING!!!!!!!!!!  A big thank you to those that have helped get us there. 

Next is "Screening"

Remember we talked about the 5 main PON tools???

1) QRS (Qualified Reference Sample)
2) TOP (Top of Production)
3) F/M/L (First/Middle/Last)
4) 30 Minute Lesson
5) Measles  

The below image is a summary of data collected from the measles chart and 30 minute lessons. This allows the department Mgrs, supervisors and operators to see what the leading contributors are so action can be taken and improvements made.

Inline image 1

We are still in the implementation stages but progress is being made. 

1) SOPs have been created and posted so operators clearly understand their responsibilities.

2) Approval samples are clearly identified and displayed for easy reference at the press and at     the stacker table(now on orange hanger). Now when walking through the screening dept. I look     for the green light at the press which means it's running and also to see if there are approval     samples displayed on the orange hangers. If so the start up process has been followed. Simple and quick!!!  By the way, the orange hanger for approvals was a suggestion from one of the screening qcladies "Dottie". She was thinking differently!!!  

Well that's it for me. 

Best Regards,
Pam Volner
Director of Quality Control 
#1 Paramount Dr.
Bourbon, Mo. 65441
Cell#: 573-205-7152

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